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Product Support
Get Nanobubbles
Product Support
Get Nanobubbles

Getting Started

Step 1: Register for your warranty

Instructions for warranty registration can be found on the Warranty Management page.

Step 2: Register for 24/7 Asset Management

Instructions for 24/7 Asset Management registration can be found on the 24/7 Asset Management page.

Step 3: Review Installation Resources

On the portals main page, in the second section, you will find installation resources. If your unit family is listed, you will have access to an instructional installation video, the installation manual, and various installation kit options.

Step 4: Review Operational Resources

On the portals main page, in the third section, you will find operational resources. If your unit family is listed, you will have access to the operation manual, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and general arrangement drawings for you unit.


If you have experienced an issue with this portal or any of the resources available, please contact sam@moleaer.com.

If you are experiencing an issue with your nanobubble generator, please go to our troubleshooting page to see potential solutions that you can accomplish yourself. Or, go to our support contacts page to contact the appropriate support technician (the support contacts page is also accessible through the main page of the portal).