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Webinar: The Future of Wastewater Treatment

How nanobubbles improve treatment efficiency and reduce costs

Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) are facing new challenges due to changes in wastewater characteristics. In particular, the increased use of surfactant-based products and fats, oils, and grease (FOG) has led to the formation of stable emulsions that disrupt wastewater treatment processes. These emulsions are difficult to remove using conventional treatment processes, and they can lead to inefficiency, operational challenges, process upsets, and increased operating costs.

Moleaer's nanobubble technology offers a robust solution to these challenges.

In this webinar, you'll learn from Andrea White, P.E., Moleaer's Global Director of Water Process Engineering and John Crisman, Moleaer's Senior Water Process Engineer, how nanobubble pretreatment addresses these challenges using only air and water. 

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The challenges posed by surfactants to wastewater treatment processes
  • How nanobubble pretreatment is being applied to address these challenges
  • About the benefits of using nanobubble technology for wastewater treatment, such as improved solids removal, effluent water quality, and biogas quality
  • About the data and findings from several case studies where nanobubbles are being used to improve treatment process performance and reduce treatment costs.

Fill in your information to access this webinar now.


Gallons of water treated per minute


Generators in operation


Countries with a Moleaer nanobubble generator

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