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Improving Irrigation Source Water for Higher Crop Performance

Get the most from irrigation water stored in reservoirs and basins with chemical-free nanobubbles

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Leverage one of the most cost-effective solutions to improve irrigation water quality and crop health. Reduce your reliance on chemical treatments or enhance their impact by supplementing with nanobubbles.
Reduce your risk of crop loss. Improve root health, suppress pathogens, increase nutrient uptake efficiency, and enable crops to better withstand environmental stresses with oxygen-rich water.
Yield is affected by multiple variables that affect plant growth. One of the most important variables is water quality and dissolved oxygen levels. Moleaer’s nanobubble technology consistently increase yields across a variety of crops and cultivation methods.

Generating Proven Results in Agriculture

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yield increases
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peak Pythium reductions
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soil compaction reduction
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gallons of irrigation water treated per day
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farms using Moleaer generators around the globe

Irrigation Reservoir Case Studies

Growers are not only seeing benefits in their reservoirs but also in their crops. These case studies share the results of growers using nanobubble treatment on their reservoirs.

Reservoir NL 1

Solve common water challenges

Algae growth, waterborne pathogen proliferation and water scarcity are all factors that impact crop management and plant growth, leading to crop loss. Nanobubbles are a sustainable, chemical-free tool for growers who use water storage basins or reservoirs to combat:

  • Low Levels of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
  • Algae Blooms
  • Water Borne Pathogens and Biofilm
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Reservoir Spain1

Improve water quality and reduce chemical usage

Nanobubbles increase water’s oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) or water’s ability to clean itself, resulting in higher quality irrigation. When nanobubble-treated source water is pumped into greenhouses or inline irrigation systems, fewer chemicals are needed to clean the water. Reduced chemistry, including Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and ozone (O3), is not only more sustainable but also more cost-effective for growers.

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Moleaer Nexus Farm 2-1

Reduce algae, pathogens and biofilm

Nanobubble technology is highly efficient at increasing dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations throughout the water column, improving water quality, encouraging beneficial bacteria, and limiting the environment for algae and waterborne pathogens to thrive. Chemical-free nanobubbles also produce a mild oxidant that naturally lyses bacterial cells and inactivates microalgae. Nanobubbles physically scour biofilm and coat the surfaces of irrigation systems to prevent it from reforming.

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Moleaer Hoopnet Irrigation Neo Nanobubble Generator 1-1

Boost plant vigor with nanobubble-infused irrigation water

Nanobubbles are stable in water for months, producing a myriad of benefits in irrigation source water delivered to crops. Increased DO levels result in better root and plant development, improved plant resilience to environmental stressors and increased nutrient uptake efficiency. This all leads to improved crop quality and for some growers, increased yields.

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Case Studies

Learn how to optimize irrigation source water sustainably

Water quality in irrigation reservoirs and basins is important for plant health and crop quality. Read our blog to learn how nanobubbles are a sustainable, chemical-free tool to improve source water quality and reduce chemical applications to treat common issues like algae, biofilm and water-borne pathogens.

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