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Nanobubble Technology
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Food and Beverage Background

Next-Generation Food & Beverage Process Efficiency with Moleaer Nanobubble Solutions

Moleaer nanobubbles deliver enhanced microbial and biofilm control without harsh chemicals to supercharge your disinfecting power and minimize food safety risk and spoilage.

Nanobubble Benefits

Elevate Your Food Safety Standards Without Harsh Chemicals

Post Harvest
CIP Dairy
Fresh Produce Cleaning

Advance Safety in Post-Harvest Food Processing & Washing

  • Better microbial control
  • Reduce the risk of cross-contamination
  • Promote surface hygiene and operational efficiency
  • Reduce water and chemical consumption

Improve Clean-in-Place (CIP) Efficiency & Biofilm Removal

  • Enhance biofilm removal
  • Better microbial control
  • Reduce water and chemical usage
  • Improve cleaning efficiency

Increase Efficiency & Sustainability in Fresh Produce Cleaning

  • Effective sanitation without harsh chemicals
  • Reduce health risks and prevent cross-contamination in the kitchen
  • Superior pathogen reduction to traditional solutions

Our Impact

Food Process Innovation from the Leaders in Nanobubbles

Moleaer nanobubble technology offers sustainable solutions in the food and beverage industry, unlocking improved process efficiency, higher profit potential, sustainable operations and safer food for all.

Globe for IW Page5

Moleaer installations


countries worldwide


better suspended solids removal


water usage reduction


chemicals to improve post-harvest processing


4-5 log kill for most common foodborne bacteria

Testimonials & Research Quotes

What Our Customers & Researchers Are Saying

“Moleaer is playing an integral part in helping us to meet compliance standards by reducing water usage, and improving biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) discharge levels.”

Craig Anderson
Project Manager, Gilbert Orchards
Apples in Flume - NBs 3

What Our Customers & Researchers Are Saying

“[…] a greater than 6 log cfu/mL a. hydrophila reduction and a greater than 3 log cfu/mL of V. parahaemolyticus reduction were achieved when nanobubble technology was combined with ultrasound (p < 0.05).”

Rafeeq, S. et al.
Rafeeq, S. et al. Inactivation of Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio parahaemolyticus by Curcumin-Mediated Photosensitization and Nanobubble-Ultrasonication Approaches. Foods. 2020; 9, 1306.
Food Research 2

What Our Customers & Researchers Are Saying

“[…] a combination of nanobubbles and ultrasonication caused more than 6 log cfu/mL reduction after 15 min, and 7 log cfu/mL reduction after 10 min of L. innocua and E. coli, respectively. Nanobubbles also enhanced bacterial removal from spinach surface in combination with ultrasonication. Nanobubbles with ultrasound removed more than 2 and 4 log cfu/cm2 of L. innocua and E. coli, respectively, while ultrasound alone caused 0.5 and 1 log cfu/cm2 of L. innocua and E. coli reduction, respectively.”

Rafeeq, S. & Ovissipour, O.
Rafeeq, S. & Ovissipour, O. The Effect Ultrasound and Surfactants on Nanobubbles Efficacy against Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli O157:H7, in Cell Suspension and on Fresh Produce Surfaces. Foods. (2021); 10, 2154.
Food Research 1

What Our Customers & Researchers Are Saying

“[Nanobubbles (NB)] alone completely removed V. parahaemolyticus biofilm on both plastic and SS coupons after 2 min. NB alone caused about a 1 to 3 log CFU/cm2 reduction of E. coli and L. innocua biofilms, while a complete reduction was observed only after combining NB with [neutral electrolyzed water (NEW)]. The antiadhesion results of NB-treated plastic and SS coupons showed lower bacterial adhesion to NB-treated surfaces indicating that NB can attach to the surface and reduce the surface tension and bacterial adhesion. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy spectra (SERS) and mapping results revealed the ability of NB to remove the bacterial biofilms.”

Shiroodi, S. et al.
Shiroodi, S. et al. Efficacy of Nanobubbles Alone or in Combination with Neutral Electrolyzed Water in Removing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Listeria innocua Biofilms. Food and Bioprocess Technology. (2021).
Food Research 3
Benefits for Food & Beverage Processers

Revolutionary Disinfection: Safeguarding Your Food Operations


Higher Profit Potential

Profit Potential

Higher Profit Potential

  • Reduce food spoilage and waste
  • Fewer chemical applications
  • Increase operational efficiency
Cost Savings-1

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

  • Reduce downtime
  • Reduce cross contamination
  • Extend the life of processing water
Sustainable Ops

Sustainable Operations


Sustainable Operations

  • Microbial control without harsh chemicals
  • Reduce fungicide load
  • Reduce water and chemical usage
Research Validation

Impact You Can Measure:
Research Validation & Field Results

Microbial Control

Moleaer nanobubble technology tackles the complex challenge of biological contamination in food processing environments with remarkable effectiveness. When used alone or combined with traditional antimicrobials like PAA, ozone or oxygen nanobubbles deliver superior pathogen control. Field trials have shown that adding oxygen nanobubbles while maintaining PAA dosing regimen results in an additional log reduction in microbial populations.

Fresh Produce Cleaning

Elevate Microbial Control with Ozone Nanobubbles

Discover how Moleaer ozone nanobubbles enhance disinfection without harsh chemicals in the research study below.

Ozone NBs
Fresh Produce Washing

Improve Microbial Control

Moleaer’s food washing nanobubble solutions offer dual-action cleaning that provides the highest level of protection in microbial control at 4-5 log microbial reduction. The oxidative strength of ozone, combined with the scrubbing power of Moleaer nanobubbles enable a unique and effective way to clean surface and fresh produce without harsh chemicals or residues. With automatic features and seamless integration, our technology eliminates the use of manual chemical dosing, offering simple installation and usage in kitchens, grocery stores and other fresh produce washing sinks.


Better Microbial Control

4-5 log microbial reduction


Improvement with Ozone Nanobubbles

+1 log microbial reduction with ozone nanobubbles over traditional chemistry


No chemical residue

Improve Chemistry Efficacy with Oxygen Nanobubbles

Explore how Moleaer oxygen nanobubbles help food processers improve traditional chemistry efficacy, reduce harsh chemical usage and enhance process efficiency with these research studies.

Cherry Packing
Sweet Cherries

Oxygen Nanobubbles Enhance Fungicide and Sanitizer Chemical Efficacy

Two studies were conducted on sweet cherry wet packing, comparing fungicides to fungicides plus Moleaer oxygen nanobubbles and sanitizing chemicals to Moleaer oxygen nanobubbles plus sanitizing chemicals. The results found that both fungicide and sanitizing chemicals combined with oxygen nanobubbles demonstrated significant efficacy in removing bacteria and fungi from the surface of cherries during wet packing trials compared to fungicide or sanitizing chemicals alone.

Fungus Control

66% decrease in spores/g for Botrytis cinerea

Fungus Control

65% decrease in spores/mL for Botrytis cinerea

Post Harvest

Oxygen Nanobubbles Reduce Coliforms in Apple Flumes

In comparing oxygen nanobubble enriched water to regular water in apple washing flumes, oxygen nanobubbles significantly reduced concentrations of E. coli and fecal coliforms.

Coliform Reductions

Less than 1 NMP/100 mL with nanobubbles


Fecal Coliform Control

>99.96% reduction of fecal coliforms with oxygen nanobubbles

Biofilm Control

Moleaer nanobubbles deliver unmatched biofilm control through their unique physical properties. These nanoscopic powerhouses naturally scour surfaces clean while preventing biofilm reformation, leading to shorter CIP cycles and reduced chemical usage. The result? Superior pathogen protection that saves time and resources while maintaining the highest food safety standards.

Nanobubbles Biofilm Removal Logo WEB

Improved Biofilm Control Powered by Nanobubbles

Explore how Moleaer nanobubbles enhance biofilm control in these research studies.

Food Handling Restaurant
Virginia Tech

Research Shows Best Removal Rates with Moleaer Nanobubbles

In extensive research studies by Virginia Tech on the efficacy of nanobubbles biofilm control, Moleaer nanobubble technology was shown to enhance removal rates of Listeria from food handling surfaces, reduce food spoilage and risk of food-borne illness and reduce the chemical cost or improve the performance of chemicals in biofilm control.


4.6 log reduction of E.coli on stainless steel

within 10 minutes using oxygen nanobubbles


3.8 log reduction of Listeria on stainless steel

within 10 minutes using oxygen nanobubbles


Complete Vibrio removal within 5 minutes

using oxygen nanobubbles

Nanobubbles prevent reattachment and development of biofilm

CIP with CO2 Nanobubbles-1

Improved Biofilm Control in Dairy CIP

During a trial on dairy clean-in-place (CIP) process, carbon dioxide nanobubble enriched water achieved the highest improvement in biofilm removal than control samples.


Improved Biofilm Control

349% more removal than control

Water Quality Improvements

Moleaer nanobubble technology revolutionizes processing water quality utilizing the physical and behavioral characteristics of nanobubbles. One beneficial outcome is elevated oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) enables water to naturally eliminate contaminants and suppress harmful bacteria, delivering clearer, cleaner water that stays fresh longer.

Post Harvest

Increased Process Efficiency and Sustainability from Improved Water Quality

Discover how Moleaer nanobubbles help improve water quality in these case studies.

Food Research 3
Gilbert Orchards

Better Water Quality in Apple Washing

In the heartland of apple orchards in the US, Gilbert Orchards sought a solution to improve water quality in their apple processing flumes. Using Moleaer’s Neo nanobubble generator with oxygen and ozone, Gilbert Orchards achieved significant process improvements with the potential of cost savings.


60% better suspended solids removal


30% water clarity improvement

50% reduced water usage

Moleaer's Research Partners
Virginia Tech
University of Maine
UC Irvine
University of Georgia
New Mexico State University
Delphy Research Institute
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Massachusetts
Aster Bio
Volcani Research Center
Malvern Panalytical
Moleaer Nanobubble Solutions

Sustainable Solutions for Modern Food Processing

Moleaer's food and beverage solutions are backed by independent research validation and field studies, offering seamless integration into existing processing facilities. From improved fresh produce washing to enhanced CIP, Moleaer nanobubbles help food and beverage processers increase process efficiency with simple to install and easy to maintain nanobubble systems. With ozone, oxygen and air gas capabilities, Moleaer is paving the way in modern food processing.

Our Locations

Global Expertise,
Local Support

At Moleaer, we’re committed to serving your region with tailored expertise. That’s why we’ve established local offices and a team of specialized professionals across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Wherever you are, you can connect with a knowledgeable expert in your region, ready to provide solutions that meet your unique needs.


Resource Hub

Expand Your Nanobubble Knowledge

How Nanobubbles Enable Solutions to Retain Gas and Control Foaming

Moleaer Science Lab One of the fascinating properties of nanobubbles is their exceptional ability to...

Watch How Nanobubbles Change the Properties of Water

Moleaer Science Lab Have you ever wondered how nanobubbles can change the way the water behaves? The...

Watch How Nanobubbles' Charge Influences Chemical Reactions

Moleaer Science Lab Get ready to dive into a fascinating chemistry experiment that reveals the uniqu...

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