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Generating Proven Results in Agriculture

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farms using Moleaer's technology around the globe

Grow Healthier, More Resilient Crops with Nanobubbles

Improve soil and plant health with chemical-free nanobubble technology

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Leverage one of the most cost-effective solutions to improve irrigation water quality and crop health. Reduce your reliance on chemical treatments or enhance their impact by supplementing with nanobubbles.
Reduce your risk of crop loss. Improve root health, suppress pathogens, increase nutrient uptake efficiency, and enable crops to better withstand environmental stresses with oxygen-rich water.
Yield is affected by multiple variables that affect plant growth. One of the most important variables is water quality and dissolved oxygen levels. Moleaer’s nanobubble technology consistently increase yields across a variety of crops and cultivation methods.

Improve Plant & Root Health with Sustainable Irrigation

EN Nanobubbles in Outdoor Irrigation - No Background-2

Apply Nanobubbles Where You Need Them Most

Chemical-free nanobubble technology can be installed to treat source water from wells, canals, reservoirs and basins to reduce algae and pathogen growth, improve water quality, and reduce the use of chemicals and pesticides. Nanobubble generators can also be installed on day tanks or inline before your valve zone or irrigation sector. Moleaer’s patented nanobubble generators are easy to integrate, install, and maintain — without overhauling your irrigation system.

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Proven Benefits for Crops growing on Soil

Plants thrive in soils with good structure, ample microbial activity and available nutrients to develop healthy root systems and produce quality crops. However, farmers worldwide face challenging soil conditions from drought stress, exhaustion and poor-quality irrigation water. Nanobubbles have been scientifically proven as a chemical-free solution to improve soil conditions for growers, from reducing soil compaction to increasing soil aeration, nutrient availability and uptake efficiency.

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Learn how nanobubble-enriched irrigation water is helping growers improve crop yields and reduce inputs

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| August 1, 2022

Why soil wettability is important for sustainable agriculture

Good soil wettability promotes good plant health and high-quality crops. Nanobubble technology improves soil wettability without the use of chemicals.

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| June 20, 2022

How to improve soil structure and function for better crop performance

With the growing impacts of climate change and other pressures such as drought and fertilizer shortages, this is a question that has never been more important in the...

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| July 12, 2023

How to Use Sustainable Farming Methods with Nanobubble Technology

For decades, we’ve produced the bulk of our food through industrial agriculture, a system dominated by large farms growing the same crops year after year, using enormous...

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Improve Soil Health & Structure

Scientific research and independent case studies show that nanobubbles increase soil flocculation, reduce compaction and increase capillary water distribution. Nanobubbles reduce the surface tension of water, improve water infiltration and percolation through the soil profile, improve salt leaching and get more water and nutrients to the root zone where plants need it. Nanobubbles decrease the size of nutrient clusters and raise ionic mobility aiding in increased nutrient availability and uptake efficiency. Plants grown with nanobubble irrigation water have a higher resilience against stress factors, improving crop quality and reducing crop loss for farmers.

More About Soil Health

Field & Soil Crops

How to Improve Soil Health With Chemical-Free Nanobubbles

Learn how sustainable, chemical-free technologies like nanobubbles are paving the way for farmers to improve soil health, while also contributing numerous other benefits to their cultivation operations in this eBook.

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How Can a Farmer Grow a Quality and Healthy Crop Using Nanobubble Technology?

Moleaer’s nanobubble technology does two things: supersaturates irrigation water with dissolved oxygen and injects hundreds of millions of electrochemically charged nanobubbles that alter the properties of water to deliver multiple benefits.

Increased dissolved oxygen levels maximize oxygen utilization by plants and beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, promoting healthy root development and improving plants’ resilience to environmental stressors such as drought and heat.

High concentrations of negatively charged nanobubbles reduce the surface tension of water and improve infiltration of soils and substrates as well as improve the capillary action of dissolved nutrients – a low-cost, synergistic input to reduce soil compaction and high salinity.

Nanobubbles also produce a natural, mild oxidant when they encounter contaminants in the water, reducing water-borne pathogens and algae. Their hard, stable shell allows them to abrade biofilm and scale from irrigation systems and coat piping walls in a thick layer to limit new accumulation – improving system hygiene and reducing treatment costs. These are just a few of the benefits nanobubbles offer growers.

What Benefits, Such as Boosting Plant Growth, Can Be Expected From Nanobubble Agriculture Methods?

Using nanobubble technology in farming has shown many benefits that help achieve a successful crop, such as:

• Better root development
• Increased microbial activity and healthier microbiome (microbial life)
• Better uptake efficiency of nutrients and water
• Increased penetration and infiltration of water into soil and substrates
• Reduction in plant disease and improved crop resilience
• Less soil compaction

These are just a few of the many benefits of nanobubble technology to plant health that, together with adequate moisture and organic matter lead to resilient and healthy crops.

Does Using Nanobubble Technology in the Water Supply Lead To Healthier Soil?

Yes, the use of nanobubbles has been proven to have a direct impact on improving soil health and function which has been shown to lead to the growth of healthy, more productive plants.

Nanobubbles reduce the surface tension of water, improving infiltration and penetration into soils and substrates, so more water is available to the plant roots. Also, nanobubbles improve soil and substrate wettability, helping to combat hydrophobic soils. Reduced compaction of soils is possible with nanobubbles through their ability to flocculate clay particles and improve soil structure.

Other benefits include increasing soil aeration, which helps improve the microbiome health and aid in the microbial activity that is essential for healthy soils.

All of these benefits help farmers improve soil health without the use of chemicals.

How Can Farmers Implement Nanobubble Technology in Their Agricultural Systems?

Moleaer's nanobubble generators are designed to be easy to install, maintain, and integrate into your existing system. Nanobubble generators are easily installed on irrigation day tanks, storage basins, irrigation reservoirs, or inline between the water supply and the crops.

There is no need for massive upgrades or a complete overhaul of your current system to implement this cost-effective nanobubble technology.

What Type of Plants Can Benefit From Nanobubbles in Agriculture?

Nanobubble water can be used to improve the health of a wide range of crops and plants.

Recent commercial case studies have shown that nanobubble technology is effective among growers of:

Avocados - These plants are normally grown in clay soils and as such are prone to suffer from asphyxiation due to lack of dissolved oxygen in the root zone, which can be prevented by using nanobubbles
Berries - The proper growth of berries, such as the Blueberries being grown in Chile, requires acidic soils and good-quality irrigation water to produce healthy fruit. Using nanobubbles improves both the dissolved oxygen supply and the development of healthy soil structure to boost root development in the soil-covered parts of the plant and result in the growth of healthy plants
Citrus - World citrus production of fruits, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes, is facing a serious threat due to the increase in pests that target these fruit trees. Using nanobubbles not only helps to prevent root disease but also creates a soil environment that is not favorable for the growth of pests thus helping farmers manage their crops without having to resort to pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals

In addition to these crops, Moleaer has over 1000 agriculture and horticulture installations that cover crops across the world and has successfully applied nanobubbles to tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, ornamental plants like Gerbera daisies, almonds, leafy greens and herbs, strawberries, hemp, and more. Check out our case studies page to learn more.

Where Can Farmers Find Information on How To Grow Healthy Crops Using Nanobubble Technology?

Although nanobubble technology is a relatively new process compared to traditional irrigation methods, there are many peer-reviewed journal articles highlighting the benefits of nanobubbles in agriculture and greenhouses. Moleaer compiled some on the resources page.

If you are looking for essential information on nanobubble water technology and advice on how you can install nanobubble generators in your irrigation system, Moleaer is one of the best sources of all the information you need.

You can also check out our blog for a variety of articles on how nanobubbles apply to agriculture.