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Why Nanobubble Oxygenation is Key to Optimal Root Zone Health

Root zone health is essential for plant health and is heavily impacted by water quality, oxygen availability, pathogens and other environmental factors. Research has show that high quality irrigation water with super saturated levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) improve:

Learn More About Nanobubbles For Healthy Roots

7 minute read
| May 3, 2022

How to prevent and control root disease sustainably

Solutions for greenhouse growers At Green Circle Farm – as is the case at most greenhouse operations – Pythium and other root diseases are a constant threat. Green Circle...

6 minute read
| April 26, 2022

How to control biofilm in irrigation systems sustainably

Biofilm is a pervasive coating found on most surfaces that are in frequent contact with water. Within the film is a highly organized and resilient structure able to host a...

9 minute read
| April 19, 2022

Why good water quality is critical for plant performance

Plants grown hydroponically require high-quality irrigation water to achieve robust growth and high yields. This means it must possess high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels and...